- 08:30 Welcome + opening by general chair Brecht Wyseur
Session 1: Keynote Talk (8:35-9:30)
- 08:35 Keynote: Intel Software Guard Extensions – Introduction and Open Research Challenges by Dr. Matthias Schunter (Intel Collaborative Research Institute for Secure Computing and Intel Labs).
Session 2: Research Papers: Vulnerabilities (9:30-10:30)
Chair: Mariano Ceccato (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
- 09:30 Beyond the Attack Surface: Assessing Security Risk with Random Walks on Call Graphs; Nuthan Munaiah and Andrew Meneely (Rochester Institute of Technology).
- 10:00 ROP Gadget Prevalence and Survival under Compiler-based Binary Diversification Schemes; Joel Coffman, Daniel Kelly, Christopher Wellons and Andrew Gearhart (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory).
Coffee break (10:30-11:00)
Session 3: Research Papers: Obfuscation (11:00-12:30)
Chair: Johannes Kinder (Royal Holloway, University of London)
- 11:00 Defeating MBA-based Obfuscation; Ninon Eyrolles (Quarkslab), Louis Goubin (UVSQ, Laboratoire de mathématiques) and Marion Videau (Quarkslab and LORIA).
- 11:30 VOT4CS: A Virtualization Obfuscation Tool for C#; Sebastian Banescu, Ciprian Lucaci, Benjamin Kraemer and Alexander Pretschner (Technische Universität München).
- 12:00 Binary Permutation Polynomial Inversion and Application to Obfuscation Techniques; Lucas Barthélémy (Quarkslab and UPMC), Ninon Eyrolles (Quarkslab), Guenaël Renault and Raphaël Roblin (UPMC).
Lunch break (12:30-14:00)
Session 4: Research Papers: WBC & Integrity (14:00-15:30)
Chair: Christian Mönch (Conax)
- 14:00 StIns4CS: A State Inspection Tool for C#; Amjad Ibrahim and Sebastian Banescu (Technische Universität München).
- 14:30 Reactive Attestation: Automatic Detection and Reaction to Software Tampering Attacks; Alessio Viticchié (Politecnico di Torino), Andrea Avancini, Mariano Ceccato (Fondazione Bruno Kessler), Cataldo Basile (Politecnico di Torino), Bert Abrath, Bart Coppens (Ghent University).
- 15:00 Attacking White-Box AES Constructions; Brendan McMillion and Nick Sullivan (CloudFlare).
Coffee break (15:30-16:00)
Session 5: Panel Discussion (16:00-16:40)
Chair: Brecht Wyseur, (Nagravision)
- 16:00 Software Protection Research in Europe, where are we going?
Panel members
- Johannes Kinder, Senior Lecturer in CS, Royal Holloway, UK
- Michael (MiZu) Zunke, CTO Software Monetization Gemalto, DE
- Nick Sullivan, Head of Cryptography, CloudFlare Inc., USA
- Clifford Liem, Innovation Director, Cloakware by Irdeto, CA
Session 6: Hands-on Tutorial (16:40-18:00)
- 16:40 The ASPIRE Framework for Software Protection; ASPIRE consortium.
All participants can join the organizers for a dinner sponsored by NAGRA at Restaurant Schubert Mediterran (around 18:30).
People who want to join the dinner must contact Brecht Wyseur in advance.
People who want to join the dinner must contact Brecht Wyseur in advance.