Call for Papers

Submission deadline EXTENDED: 14 July 2019
Notification of acceptance: 9 August 2019
Camera-ready papers: 30 August 2019
Workshop date: 15 November 2019

Dowloand the CfP leafletEasyChair Submission link 


Desired articles should cover at least one of the following topics:

1. Software Protection techniques

  • Code Obfuscation, Anti-Debugging, Software Diversity
  • Data obfuscation, White-Box Cryptography
  • Code Virtualization, Software Dynamic Translation
  • Software Tampering Detection and Reaction, Code Guards
  • Online protections: Software Renewability, Mobile Code, Remote Attestation
  • Software Similarity, Plagiarism detection, Legal aspects
  • Software Licensing, Watermarking, Fingerprinting, Anti-cloning
  • Homomorphic Encryption, Hardware-Software co-design
  • Open-Source tools for software protection

2. Software Protection Analysis, Reverse Engineering and Evaluation

  • Insights on new reversing techniques and their effectiveness against specific protection methods.
  • Possible applications of Machine Learning for attacking and improving software protection.
  • Evaluation Methodologies: security metrics, risk analysis, and empirical studies
  • Reverse Engineering, Resilience, De-obfuscation, Malware analysis
  • Tools and their extensions for static and dynamic software analysis
  • Threat modelling, Petri nets, attack graphs, taxonomies and ontologies
  • Decision support systems and security optimization
  • Formal Methods for software protection

3. Software Protection in Industry

  • Protection tool-chains and Integrated Development Environments
  • Software Architectures and build process integration
  • Code and Data Protection in video-games, digital television, and streaming services
  • Security Validation and best practices from industry
  • Software protection on heterogeneous platforms (sensors, smartphones, cloud)

Submission Guidelines

Proceedings of the workshops will be available to the workshop attendees. The workshop will also have online proceedings through the ACM Digital Library, with a separate ISBN. Authors are invited to submit original papers: They must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors have published elsewhere or have submitted in parallel to any other conferences that have proceedings. The submission of must occur through the workshop submission system (EasyChair).

Submissions must be at most 12 pages in double-column ACM format including the  bibliography and well-marked appendices. Only PDF files will be accepted.

Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits. Each accepted paper must be presented by an author, who will have to be registered by the registration deadline.

For informal queries about the submission contact the workshop chairs Paolo Falcarin and Michael Zunke.